What is a Nation? – Ernest Renan
We discuss “What is a Nation?”, an 1882 lecture by French historian Ernest Renan
The Myth of Sisyphus – Albert Camus
We discuss Albert Camus’ “The Myth of Sisyphus” and Absurdist philosophy.
Imagined Communities
We discuss Benedict Anderson’s 1983 work “Imagined Communities” specifically focusing on the origins of national consciousness.
The Invention of American Tradition
We discuss the article “The Invention of American Tradition” by MJ Bowden.
Squid Game is Anticapitalist. So What?
We discuss the Netflix series “Squid Game” and whether or not the fact that it’s blatantly anticapitalist even matters.
The Invention of Tradition
We discuss the work “The Invention of Tradition” by famed historian Eric Hobsbawm.
Judas and the Black Messiah – Analysis
https://youtu.be/2li3Elbh134 With special guests Stefan and Donte we discuss the Shaka King film "Judas and the Black Messiah." Other Videos: ✔ Trailer Breakdown - Judas and the Black Messiah: https://youtu.be/CR5qF8e_LxY ✔ The Black Panthers - A Quick History:...
Desmond Morris, The Human Zoo, & The Stimulus Struggle
We discuss the concept of the “stimulus struggle” from Desmond Morris’ 1969 book “The Human Zoo.”
The Liberatory Potential of Psychedelics
We continue our conversation with Jonathan Dickinson and Dimitri Mugianis and discuss the liberatory potential of psychedelics.
Psychedelics as Tools of State Violence with Jonathan Dickinson and Dimitri Mugianis
With guests Jonathan Dickinson and Dimitri Mugianis, we discuss the history of the state’s use of psychedelic drugs as a tool of oppression and control.
Show notes at http://revolutionandideology.com/